
We guarantee you:

  • the best price (prices of 3rd party sellers like are 10 % higher!)
  • the half board with the best price
  • the right room and the best offer for your individual needs


Berghotel Lämmerhof

Family Hedegger
Lämmerhofweg 2
5522 St. Martin am Tennengebirge
Fax +43 (0) 6463 7141 6
UID: ATU 59667505
Member of: Wirtschaftskammer Salzburg
Location of enterprise: Lämmerhofweg 2, 5522 St. Martin/Tennengebirge
Line of business/occupational group: hotel industry
Occupational category: Inns, taverns
Authority according to ECG: Bezirkshauptmannschaft St. Johann/Pongau

Bank information

Bankaccount: 35006
Name of bank: Raiffeisenbank Annaberg-Lungötz
Account number: 18016576
UID Number: ATU 59667505
IBAN: AT23 3500 1000 1801 6576

Photo Credits

Berghotel Lämmerhof
Foto Lebesmühlbacher, Hotel & Werbefotografie
Skiregion Dachstein West, Dieter Schaufler, Herbert Raffalt, Tramp
Tourismus Salzburg
Tennengau, Bernhard Moser
Tourismusverband St. Martin am Tennengebirge
Gabriel Lanzinger
Tourismusverband Abtenau
OCT - Outdoor Consulting Team
Kletterhalle Kuchl
Therme Amadé
TVB Werfenweng Betherl/Fath
TVB Russbach
TVB Golling
Goiserer Hütte

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In view of the technical nature of the Internet, no warranty is assumed for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the information provided on this site. Moreover, no liability is assumed for the availability or operation of this website or its contents.

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